Having recently moved west, and being I've got apples, pears, service berry, and raspberries in my yard I'm trying to read up on bears and I find this comment:

Rich K. says:

November 5, 2015 at 18:26

Park rangers say you should wear little bells and carry pepper spray when in bear territory. THe bells are to keep you from accidentally surprising the bear napping off after stuffing itself with berries, nuts, or whatever. They also say you can identify what kind of bear is in the area by looking at bear scat (aka turds – yes, they DO sh*t in the woods!). Black bear scat will be full of seeds, insect parts, stems from berries, etc. Grizzly bear scat will be full of little bells and smell like cayenne pepper…


It's down in the comments.


I realise I'm not right in the head, but I keep going back rereading it and lmfao. Is it this IPA I'm trying or is that some funny [bleep]?
