KC - It ain't gonna help the herd either. The herd-factors involved have almost nothing to do with human harvest. Weather, predators, range. that's it.

All this fiddle-faddle does is inconvenience a bunch of people, me included - and I damned well live there! (I'm including that 3.5 month pregnant-cows-only the state accepted on recommendation of the local caribou advisory board in this post. I'd rather shoot bulls in November when the migration comes thru. They are perfectly acceptable as table fare, tho not quite as good as the fatter cows, being post-rut. - I don't eat fat anyway.

But it ain't the Native way. There is much to be admired in that culture- and some things that are not-so-much/out-dated/ needs upgrade.

But no-one likes to change.... me included. (Insert Red Green man-pledge here).

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.