Just a quick note to thank all those who offered advice on getting my golden, Maggie, to come when called.. I tried a little bit of everything, treats, playing ball, even the E collar.. She dearly loves playing ball with her older sister Kate.. That was a big help.. The treats and long rope helped also.. The E collar was mostly so I felt I had SOME control if she decided to head off some where dangerous... The pager worked like a charm to get her attention.. I only used the shocker once when she bolted and headed for the highway.. Today we were out and she responded to all of the commands, for want of a better word.. She listens very well, and when we were camping last week in Cody.. Most of the last days we were there, she roamed around our spot freely.. A couple times we had to call her from going to visit the neighbors sites, but I am very pleased with her behavior.. Again thanks for all those who offered advise..

Molon Labe