I was just wondering if any one was as crazy as me for considering this. I understand the ramifications as I have been there multiple times. It's an old friend that I would love to make a couple of stalks on some buffalo with him while time allows. I would have to wait at least 3 years to do a proper safari and by then as all things Africa goes the situation may not allow for us to do that safari together. Like I said I would have never considered it before but getting away for a few days could be a nice but tiring break. I would probably arrive a couple of days early and stay a day or two after but in the end I am basically doing a 5 day hunt. I have never had an issue with finding a buffalo if I need to shoot one so I'm not worried if I get one or not. The excuse to drag a double around for a week instead of working appeals to me right now. I guess my real world has gotten too far out on the edge for me to consider a break like this to get away from it.