Nope. Get a buddy, get a canoe with a well-placed (centered) portage bar or yoke, don a frame pack with removeable top crossbar removed, flip canoe and have buddy hold one end up above his head, get under the portage yoke with your frame pack on, ponder how to get the portage yoke to stick to your frame pack, remember the rope loops I described, tell your red-faced buddy to put the canoe down, tie two rope loops around the portage yoke, repeat most of the above, have buddy lower the canoe slowly while you guide the rope loops over your pack horns, and viola.

Rope loops are a poor descriptor on my part. You want to tie about 12" to 16" of light rope into a 3" diameter circle around the portage yoke with a knot that won't slip. I use two abutting overhand knots that jam each other. Surgeon's knot would also work. The rope doesn't need to be super herky.