I have a couple of Commie guns with home-brew iron sights and I'm having picture problems, probably thanks to presbyopia.

I made them with small rear apertures and the front rings are sized for just a little fuzz around the bull. But I am getting distortions and it takes a lot of squinting and "stare through" to get a sporadic round bull.

I think it is because the rear peeps are a little small, I get some white fuzzing and shape shifting. But I'm afraid to drill out the rears and completely wreck what little precision I think I have. The sights I have were a real pain to make.

So, has anyone experimented with peep sizes on each end? For example, what happens if you leave the rear small and open up the front? Or vice versa, opening the rear and leaving the front alone?

Thanks for any help....

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.