From the very end of that article:

Jane White and her husband Donald are among the thousands left with a small cheque for some of the damages, and hardly any respect for the people who were supposed to protect the town during the flood, not use rising water as an excuse to ignore the law.

“They paid for the door, but they didn’t pay for the mud they left all over the carpet, which was new at the time,” said Jane, who also reported mud on her bed, jewelery boxes and closet, and was paid about $1,400 for her troubles.

As well, there were scrapes and gouges left in the wall when Mounties removed a locked gun safe containing 11 registered weapons from their Hampton Hills home.

Since their firearms were registered, the RCMP knew exactly which homes to target. Sounds like those officers treated the homes of gun owners with absolute contempt as well which implies strongly how they feel about civilians possessing firearms.