When one is heading out from the typical roadway access points, it's very difficult to come up with an original location, idea, or mode of transportation. What ever idea one comes up with, there's always a few parties that are already out there well ahead of you.

My last go around flying time (Beaver sea plane) was around $400 per hour. Not bad if it's split amongst a party of 3 or 4. I think a Beaver can do a max of about 6 people. Cubs are a push to get you, the pilot and some gear aboard. It really does not take a lot of air time to get away from the crowds depending on the direction one takes. A buddy of mine did sheep out of Soldotna, and his GPS indicated he was only about 20 air miles from town.

Any of the services that handle hunters will typically know where the game is. Our party has used High Adventure out of Soldotna for 3 trips over the years. They have knowledge and are in the air all summer moving fishermen, so they can suggest locations. They also have some hunt packages put together, or one can assemble his own destinations/schedules. Time afield is your call and has no effect on costs. There's also the potential of float trips. Not done one up there myself, but most folks tend to make those too short. I.e. having to float to get the miles in and not leaving enough days to hunt without having to load up and move camp every day. I do river stuff here in Oregon, and I like a week or two just to get in 25 miles or so.

I also know some folks that have hunted off the haul road. I believe there's some non hunting buffers, so one has to put in hiking time/miles to get to the zones where hunting's allowed.

Should be some folks here that have more local and up to date knowledge than I. Good luck,

Last edited by 1minute; 06/20/16.
