One day I was getting ready to go to Prescott. I bought a few .22's there.

That same morning my youngest daughter called. Ask the wife what we were doing that day. Peggy told my daughter that I was headed to J&G to buy some guns.

Well, she piped right up and said "Dad promised me a new gun when I turned 21 and never did get it for me." Boy, talk about being thrown under the bus with your own words.

Anyone, instead of buying the 4 that I planned on, I bought 5. And on her 22nd birthday I gave her a .22 Boy, talk about a happy face !

James Pepper: There's no law west of Dodge and no God west of the Pecos. Right, Mr. Chisum? John Chisum: Wrong, Mr. Pepper. Because no matter where people go, sooner or later there's the law. And sooner or later they find God's already been there.