Originally Posted by ironbender
Unbelievable that she has not been arrested. ...

That goes without saying, but, if I had to bet, the chances of her ever being arrested for "Servergate" are slim and none. I can certainly see Director Comey making a criminal referral to the (In)Justice Department. The facts and evidence to establish "prima facie" violations of law are clear. However, the Attorney General and the (In)Justice Department work for Sultan Obongo. It is my firm belief that the facts and evidence will establish there were e-mails between Hitlary and Sultan Obongo that went back and forth through Hitlary's home-brew server. At the very least, that means Sultan Obongo would be called as a material witness in any potential criminal prosecution of Hitlary. It would also establish that he knew and was an active participant in Hitlary's use of a non-secure server. You really think that he would ever allow HIS (In)Justice Department to go down that road? I don' t think so.

Now, the flip side of the coin relates to what the FBI "may" have found with respect to The Clinton Family Crime Foundation and the public corruption / pay-to-play scheme that Hitlary and Slick Willie appear to have been running. Those dots are bit harder to connect ... and it always takes longer to "follow the money." But, if some of those "deleted" e-mails contain a few "smoking guns" or a "trail of financial breadcrumbs" back to the Clintons, then Servergate is the least of Hitlary's worries.