Trump hasn't even started the general campaign yet. When he starts reeling off all the facts about how much money the fat bitch has taken from Wall Street, banks, and foreign governments, including Middle Eastern states that punish homosexuality with death and punish raped women for adultery, etc etc, the "news" networks will be unable to cover for her any more. Trump can afford to fund his own campaign as needed, and doesn't need the bags of graft money the establishment candidates require, so the conventional wisdom about fundraising doesn't apply to him.

People are sick and tired of the establishment liars like the Clintons, the Bushes, the Cuomos, and the rest that do nothing but work to preserve their power and cushy lifestyles. Cruz started off sounding good, but under pressure turned into a desperate, sniveling whiner that crumbled in the primaries and could never have stood up to the Clinton machine in a general election. Trump, with all his wrinkles, offers the only chance we have to reverse the country's downhill slide. Hillary represents more and more of the same crap we've endured under Obama, Bill Clinton, and the Bushes, accelerated and supersized. Stopping her should be the priority of everyone that wants the country to return to sanity again.

What fresh Hell is this?