This is just an observation. For a few years in my misguided middle age, I worked in some gun stores in the middle of some of the best deer and elk hunting in the US. Hornady bullets were the hardest to keep stocked up on.
I heard people rail vehemently against every bullet that you can think of EXCEPT Hornady Interlock bullets. I am a big fan of Partitions to the point of using nothing else anymore, but I heard people rag on Partitions. Elk, deer, antelope, sheep, or anything else. Never heard a complaint about Hornady Interlock bullets. And that is in spite of seeing a Gawd Awful amount of them fly off the shelves. Either people were using Hornady Interlocks for a lot of freeking target practice, or they worked pretty damn well on animals.
Now, the SST, that's another story.