Originally Posted by Gregdoo
They were on the right path a few years back when they required an annual habitat stamp for all users of state lands (I think this was before DOW and Parks merged), but they did away with that requirement and left it as only being required for a hunting or fishing license. It might not have been perfect, but it helped ensure that everyone using the resources had a stake.

I went to the meeting and that question was asked. The response was that it was not financially feasible. It cost an additional $200k to administrate and enforce but only provided $67k in actual income. In addition due to the wording of the law (agreement) with the fed that income of $67k was subtracted from the amount given from the fed, net gain = zero. Also it was reiterated that Parks and Wildlife have separate budgets. Wildlife is funded from licenses, Habitat stamps, GOCO funds and a little from the fed. Parks has funding from legislature.


A person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes the person who never asks is a fool forever.

The worst slaves are those that put the chains on themselves.