Originally Posted by chlinstructor
She's knocking it out of the a ballpark! And showing tons of class, of which that Orangoutang Mooshelle has none!

Trump should just let her debate Hillary ! grin

Turns out, a large portion was lifted word for word from the 2008 Democratic Convention speech of that women Republican ladies so love to loathe, Michelle Obama. The parts about how her parents taught her your word is your bond, and the only limit to your achievement is your own dreams? Michelle's parents taught her the same things, in the same words. Turns out, as the Trump campaign stated as the plagiarism grew into a scandal, that Melania dictated her experiences to “a team of writers.”

Hope Stone and those bikers get hold of those speech writers and teach them a lesson. Think of the GALL it takes to plagiarize Michelle Obama's speech for the Trump campaign and make SO MANY supporters look like fools for saying what a great speech it was!!!!!

Horrible people, I'm sure Donald has fired them all by now.

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