Originally Posted by HawkI
Yeah, Cruz has always thrown down when there is never a victory, only a limelight. Missed him last January.
Pretty much has been his MO.

Cruz is there in the Senate fighting for the 2A and for smaller government.

Is it all just an elaborate Machiavellian scheme to fool us into electing him Presidentt? Who the freak CARES as long as it's happening!! Give us FORTY senators who will vote like Cruz and want to be President!

Rubio endorsed Trump... do you want 40 of him voting on immigration bills? Christie endorsed Trump, do you want him in the Senate defending our gun rights?

Let it go and let Cruz go back to the Senate where he does what EVERYBODY on this forum wants Senators to do.

Maybe concentrate on getting some Democrat senators OUT of states like Virginia and replaced with Republican Senators.

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