Originally Posted by 4ager
Yes, she's still a formidable foe because there are an abundance of DSFMers out there....


The bitch has some MAJOR problems.

She and the Ds are pandering HARD to the blacks. Why? Because they have to have them show up in large numbers to win. This isn't a nationwide phenomenon, it's a regional one. Without huge turn out by blacks, she loses key states. Don't believe me? Take a look at Maryland in 2014. The sitting LtGov., a black man and a D, ran against a white, male, conservative businessman. The blacks in three areas: Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Montgomery County, did not show up to vote in the numbers they had during previous elections. The result? The white R won the Governor's mansion.

This is her one of her biggest problems in PA, OH, and MI. If the city blacks in Pittsburgh, Philly, Cleveland, Cincy, and Detroit don't come out in large numbers for her, she's in serious jeopardy of losing those states. Hell, if blacks turn out in numbers like they did in MD in 2014 in MD, NJ, and NY, those states are vulnerable for her as well. She can essentially forget NC at that point. Blacks will vote D by an overwhelming percentage of those that vote; but how many of them will actually go vote is the question. They had their black POTUS, and Hitlery is an old white woman who will have an old white man as her VP. There's no additional incentive for them to get off their asses and vote. She's got a problem there, and she knows it.

Trump is going straight after the rank-and-file union vote. He's talking about coal miners, steel workers, auto makers, trucker. He's talking about bringing those jobs BACK from China and Mexico and putting our people back to work. Don't think it's working? Take a look at Mahoning County, OH - http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/18/polit...rats-republicans-political-anthropology/ These are life-long, sometimes multiple generation long, Ds that are backing Trump because he's talking to them about their jobs and their livelihoods. They know what Hitlery is promising is more empty rhetoric, and they aren't having any of it. If Hitlery loses the rank-and-file union members (she'll keep the official endorsements, but that's just politics), then she will lose PA and OH, with MI, WI, NY, and NJ being problems for her as well. Couple the rank-and-file union voters not being solid for her, and the blacks not turning out in huge numbers, and that spells disaster for Hitlery.

Hitlery is also banking on the .gov employees in NoVA and MD to carry those areas for her. Without them, she has no chance at VA and less chance at MD. Take a look at this, and these are popping up everywhere in DC on Capital Hill, Union Station, and around the Mall. They go up every morning, and every evening; the "officials" can't remove them fast enough.

[Linked Image]

She is losing, or perhaps has already lost, the support of .gov employees in that region. The fact that she got away so blatantly with something that would have gotten any of them fired or imprisoned is not lost on people, and they can't stand it. That goes doubly true for the military and for military families, and I can guarantee you that it's a topic of conversation for them and a huge bone of contention. They are loyal, and expect the same. They know the price for compromising national security, and that she just walked from it is costing her enormously.

Yes, the Ds will pull out all the stops. Yes, they will pull the whole "war on women" BS and try every trick in the book to paint Trump as "racist". Those tricks are old and tired; folks just aren't buying them like they used to. Yes, they will commit massive voter fraud (here's looking at you, Texas, because that state is their target). And, yes, Florida will be flaky as Hell because, well, it's Florida.

But, Hitlery has serious problems in states that she has been counting on and states that she has to win. Those problems are increasing for her, and she's in real trouble.

You've made several other predictions stating Hillary was toast.

Unfortunately, your track record is much worse than your optimism.