Originally Posted by Canazes9
I don't know anything about them, looking at their website, looks like some well known scam BS.

1) No references
2) You can register for "free hunts" - bet you win!
3) They have a ministry
4) No information about ranch
5) Didn't see any names listed

There was an outfit that had websites like this that was in Gonzales county for a long time. It was basically a guy that had 100acres high fenced. He would run the free hog hunt ads on Texas Hunting Forum (and others). Everyone that registered for a free hunt won - then they encouraged their friends to come with them because a paid hunt was so cheap! Once on site, there were charges for everything, poor accomadations, "guides" were lacking. Meals were non existent.

They kept shutting down and re-opening under different names. Scammed quite a few church groups w/ their "ministry ". I would look into it VERY carefully before I spent any money or booked a trip.



Bit on one of those about 80 miles east of San Antonio, 200 high fenced acres, 35 people hunting on the hunt I was on, charges for everything, "guide", feed etc. "meals" were "hot sandwiches" from a truck stop 20 miles away because they had run out of propane. Oh and there were few hogs because the local ranches around the place had not been trapping them. In addition this "game ranch" had exotic species such as elk, various sheep, Axis deer, Blackbuck, buffalo and several very large longhorn steers. Accommodations were shabby and crowded.


A person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes the person who never asks is a fool forever.

The worst slaves are those that put the chains on themselves.