Do not ever forget to look into the charged cases with a pen light, when loading fast powders into mag revolver cases.

I have never found a double charged case yet...............YET!

Do not go deer hunting with 30-06 loads seated into the lands so tight that when the buck gets away without you taking a shot, and you clear the chamber, you end up with an action full of H4831 and a 165 gr Speer bt lodged in the throat.

But if such a situation should befall you, you might carefully clean the powder from the rifle. Raid your buddy's Honda XL 350 for a cheap pair of pliers. Pull the bullet from a second cartridge. Carefully hold the muzzle in a verticle orientation, while closing the bolt on the debulleted cartrige. Then point the rifle in a safe direction and pull the trigger.

Yep, about thirtyfive years ago, in my beginning days. And see, there is a good reason to load boat tail hunting bullets.

Oh, and one final never: Never leave home on a hunting trip unil you have cycled every round through your rifle once.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.