All the liberal media folks have been fawning over Hillary for "outreaching to middle America" by selecting such a "moderate Democrat" VP running mate.

According to the American Conservative Union (ACU) rankings, Kaine is the only member of either house of Congress, who has served at least a full year, that has a lifetime conservative score of 0%.

In other words, not only is he not a "moderate Democrat", but it is mathematically impossible for Hillary to have selected a running mate with a more liberal lifetime voting record.

In comparison, here he is compared to some of the most disgusting human beings to ever step into Congress:

Tim Kaine 0.00%
Al Franken 1.14%
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz 1.15%
Patty Murray 2.46%
Nancy Pelosi 2.70%
Elijah Cummings 3.72%
Charley Rangel 3.85%
Elizabeth Warren 4.00%
Maxine Waters 4.46%
Chuck Schumer 4.86%
Sheila Jackson Lee 5.90%
Dianne Feinstein 7.22%
Alan Grayson 8.40%
Harry Reid 16.39%
etc etc

Last edited by OutlawPatriot; 07/26/16.

"Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom."