I think I get the OP question. what is left for us?

We now have tough ballistic tips used by folks who in the past would not have touched them, tons of powders to choose from, great lubes & oils & cheap effortless cleaning products, light recoiling rifles that can be used for Long Distance, smaller cartridges capable of killing bigger game more cleanly, terrific synthetic pillar bedded stocks with bedding blocks already in them, inexpensive rifle scopes that are bright as heck and hold up more than well enough for the box-a-year + shooter, and every single company has made their own low cost Savage clone that seem to shoot better than most of the high dollar stuff- or most things produced just a decade or two ago. Add to that electronic varmint calls and decoys, quick pop up blinds and yosemite binoculars. Winchester is making good products again by most accounts. Great boots, sox, waterproof gear and a crazy amount of camo options. Life is good.

So I think I understand what he is saying.

Of course we also have been introduced to butt-outs, barrel de-resonators, scent sticks and cough silencers.

For me, one welcome area getting R and D attention for lower cost options are good roof binoculars. But no way am I starting another discussion on that front!!!!!!

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius