Originally Posted by Dirtfarmer
We need a "reset button" with the Ruskies, not the Hillary version, the real thing.

They're fighting Islamic Jihadists just like we are, the Chechnyans are a constant pain the the azz for them. In fact, Russia warned our govt. about the Boston bombers, but we didn't do enough.

The enemy of our enemy becomes our friend. We don't have to like or condone Putin, but cooperation against a common enemy is something the U.S. needs to explore. We don't have to get cozy or be friends to work toward a common goal.



The fact that our gov't is still acting as tho Putin represents the USSR... or portraying to the public that they are acting in that way... says a lot about the bureaucracy's inability to adapt, as well as the inability of the electorate to think critically.

And both sides are doing it.

Is it just me, or does the stark reality of just how badly both parties suck (that is, the obviousness of their willingness to screw us to gain power) multiply exponentially between election cycles?