I posted both parts together.

I was speaking of Southern Africa in general as third world countries with first world prices. (Botswana was cheap compared to the other countries.) Zimbabwe has already fallen apart. South Africa in particular except for the Western Cape seems to be falling apart at the seams. More then half the office building in downtown Joberg are empty, high crime levels. The black on white killing of farmers, riots, robberies, burglaries, muggings, car jacking, etc. And yes we have some of those problems here in the USA too.

It was a great trip, except for the airport problems, which were minor (which with correct staffing levels the 2 hour wait would be resolved and the crazy check-in times still left over from paper ticket days.) The transfer between Kasane and VF could have been a disaster, but thankfully was not. The hotel problem at VA was minor, except for the extra $500 in room costs that were not really necessary, just a way for the hotel and Zimbabwe government to obtain some extra dollars. I am more PO about that then anything.

Still some items on my list, next time Buffalo, Sable and Nayla and if bigger then 57.5" Kudu walks out that would be added too.

Last edited by wesheltonj; 08/27/16.