From VCDL...

URGENT ACTION ITEM: Let's get more comments opposing the state agency gun ban before the hearing on Wednesday!

As I am writing this at 9:30 PM on Sunday, there are 880 or so comments against the Governor's state-agency gun-ban.

That's a nice start, but we need more than that and we need it quickly.

On Wednesday, there is a hearing on the ban and when I get my chance to speak, I want to be able to say that we have many more than 1,000 comments against the ban! The bigger that number, the more impressive my comment will be.

So, please - if you haven't put in your comments on the ban, do so ASAP. Keep spreading the word on chat groups and amongst family, friends, and acquaintances!

Here's a link to the comment area. Just click on "enter a comment" near the top of the page and enter your comment against the ban. The subject line should clearly state that you oppose the regulation. For the comment itself, you can just say, "I oppose the proposed regulation!"

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.