Originally Posted by MuskegMan

The ER doc told me there's also "seal finger". I'll let Klik or NWA verify that one. Similar thing, you're cutting up a seal and you have a cut on your hand somewhere.

That's a definite problem best avoided. I've had the 'fish-finger' and I was glad to be fighting with a much younger immune system. I have never heard that 'seal finger' was preferable in any way, but I try to be careful not to compare either of them again.

As an addendum, my hands have roamed throughout the insides of many moose, often with nicks or scrapes on my finger but with nary a problem. Caribou, OTOH, are notoriously bad for causing infection if you've got broken skin, especially a new break. I still bear the evidence of an old wound which rears it's ugliness in a knuckle when the weather gets cranky. (That one took some heavy meds to heal at the time. 'Twas a pussy bugger. ......... does that make sense or should I re-word it? grin )

Last edited by Klikitarik; 08/31/16.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.