Originally Posted by BCJR
Get a Barneys and be done thinking about it smile

I love my Barney's frame. (I have the kevlar Pinnacle bag on it.) I have used it a lot for over a decade now and it has held up great. I did wear a hole in the mesh along the frame, they sent me a new one. I also wore a hole in the gun carrier boot with the sharp edge of my bow cam.

It has hauled out several caribou, moose, Sitka deer, mule deer, whitetail, elk, bear, and a goat and sheep. In the past two weeks it has gone into a mountain lake fishing and two short deer trips. It carries weight great and I can't imagine a better external frame pack.

I actually always hunt with it. My buddies give me a hard time about hunting with a giant pack, but it rides so well I don't care. Plus, it has my Kifaru Gun Bearer on it, which I also really like. I shoot over the pack from prone and sitting, so I might as well hunt with it!

These are the only pictures I have on Photobucket. With the goat, the pack is on the right.

I wish I would have bought it when I first started hunting!

Here is the pack with half a camp and half a boned-out spike elk in it, four miles from the truck:
[Linked Image]

Here is the pack on SW Kodiak, a long way from where the float plane is going to land!

[Linked Image]

The never-ending flight
Of future days.
Paradise Lost. Book ii. Line 221