Originally Posted by Calhoun
Originally Posted by jorgeI
Originally Posted by JoeBob
These latest batch of Wikileaks prove that every batshcit crazy allegation about the Dems, media collusion, and a host of other issues is the truth.

This, but it doesn't matter. The great unwashed either does not care or want it that way.

That was always a given. The problem has always been in finding a Republican candidate that the media can't paint as proof that all of the batshcit crazy allegations about us isn't true.

That formula worked in 1980, but the democrats have changed the composition of the population enough to offset. That and of course the media onslaught. The country NEEDS a Trump-like personage to destroy the establishment-on both sides and for once in a long time, look out for the American people.

A good principle to guide me through life: “This is all I have come to expect, standard lackluster performance. Trust nothing, believe no one and realize it will only get worse…”