I use an Eagle Industries A-III Assualt Pack for some hunting applications. IIRC it holds about 2800 CI. I use it to hold gear, food, game bags, water and a spotting scope. I run it without a waist belt, for quick on and off. Super comfortable ---- right up until you shoot something. Not much room left over for meat. I've carried out 1/2 a deer (California and Montana Muleys) and my gear on several occasions without the waist belt. Not too comfortable. Waist belt make it tolerable.

In short, the assault packs are great for gear, and work well as a rest, but not well suited for hauling meat. I'll be carrying the Eagle Assault Pack this fall in Montana. again for deer. If I was hunting Elk and expected to carry my share of the carcass, I'd bring a larger pack.