Deerhunter5555: I have not trapped in 50+ years now but used to carry a 22 single shot Rifle.
A few years back my close friend of 40 years was running his trapline near Mussigbrod Lake in SW Montana.
He came to one of traps and saw that the quarry in it had been half eaten.
Just that quick a Cougar lept upon my friend breaking his wrist.
My friend got off one shot with his 22 Magnum and the attack was soon over.
That one shot through the throat area of the Cougar killed it in a matter of several seconds.
I have the skull of that aggressive Cougar.
My friend had a very hard time turning his snowmobile around and trekking back to his truck and loading the snowmobile there.
My thoughts "use/take enough gun"!
Maybe even two guns - a small caliber to dispatch trapped animals and a larger caliber for self protection?
My friend was thankful he had so many layers of clothes on that prevented more injuries to his self.
Hold into the wind