Food for thought.

Will the GOP destroy its future to save its base?

Donald Trump seems headed for an epic defeat next month. Several states that should be GOP strongholds — Arizona! Georgia! Indiana! Utah! Alaska! — are suddenly swing states. And it's pretty much all Trump's fault.

The thought that the DEM's cam make a play for those states is shocking but even up here ALL GOP politicians are running as fast as possible from anything Trump and doing it publicly!

But even as Trump prepares for a blowout, many conservatives have convinced themselves that Trumpism — The Donald's brew of economic populism and anti-immigration restrictionism — needs to be taken seriously. Trumpism, these conservatives say, proves that the GOP ignores the restrictionist wishes of its working-class base at the party's own peril.

It is ironic that conservatives, believers in limited government and the free market, should be pushing heavy-handed government intervention in the labor market to shield Americans from competition. It is doubly ironic that they should be doing so now.

They are fighting not just a losing battle on immigration, but the last war. In an effort to consolidate the GOP's vanishing base, they will lose everyone else.

Worth the read regardless of your party.