LEADING CANDIDATE POLLING MARGIN (Average of polls of the final week).
1976 Jimmy Carter +2.5 WON
1980 Ronald Reagan +1.9 WON
1984 Ronald Reagan +6.2 WON
1988 George H.W. Bush +4.8 WON
1992 Bill Clinton +2.3 WON
1996 Bill Clinton +3.2 WON
2000 George W. Bush +1.8 WON
2004 George W. Bush +2.3 WON
2008 Barack Obama +.8 WON
2012 Barack Obama +1.5 WON
2016 Hillary Clinton +3.6 TBD

I know this doesn't fit a few of the head buried in the sand narrative. But don't let the facts and history dissuade you in your cerebral, classy rebuttals. EX: the low mileage, brain straining GFY/POS. Be refreshing come up with something original. It's a reach, but I'm an optimist. And be sure to address the stats.