Originally Posted by DocRocket
Agreed, Birdy. At first I thought Hill had exiled her, but on further reflection realized that she has been sequestered for her own protection. As well as to help with damage control efforts by Clinton Inc.

Yep, anyone who doesn't get the true nature of the Hillary/Huma dynamic has probably never worked for a female boss. I have, I'm in education. Around here the term for networks of women in positions of authority is "Estrogen Mafia".

Among women, perception is reality, Advancement is more about what you say and what they think you're like rather than what you actually do. As a guy you learn to watch what you say, not to say much, remember to be inoffensively bland and to smile pleasantly a lot. And then you remain aloof from the inevitable office politics and dramas and just do your job. If doing your job puts you at cross-purposes with them in some way, you just politely apologize. Much easier than asking permission.

Their mindset is exactly why Trump alienated so many women with his "insensitive" demeanor and his "grab 'em by the p*$$y" talk. While a Bill Clinton OTOH, an actual sex predator many times over, still charms 'em in droves with his "sincere" demeanor and "I can feel your pain".


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744