Originally Posted by walt501
"His tenure will be a short four years but is likely to be a damaging one for jobless and low-wage American voters."

Because jobless and low wage workers are where they are because they lack training, education or motivation to get a better job, not because of anything Trump will or won't do.

Keep in mind that all the stimulus spending under Obama only stimulated bank bond holdings and financial instruments, i.e. the stock market but did little to foster actual economic activity. The Keynesian model of priming the economic pump with trillions in deficit spending is dead, but that still leaves us trillions of dollars that have been sitting on the sidelines for years. With a pro-business President in the Oval Office, we could very well see an unprecedented economic advance in this country - much like we had when President Reagan took over from the Peanut Farmer.

The Reagan driven stock market surge lasted from 1982 to 2000, I can include that entire time frame because old Billy Bob Clinton, despite one small tax increase, continued Reagan's economic policies for the duration of his administration.

From 1982 to 2000 the stock market rose eight fold. For Trumps EIGHT YEARS IN OFFICE I predict a similar if not greater rise in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Donald Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history!

Ah Walt, you promised to not hit the crack pipe so much. Easy now. grin
I am in agreement with all the above.

When its time to fight, you fight like you are the third monkey on the ramp to get on Noah's Arc... and brother, it is starting to rain!

The chair is against the wall.