Have been in such stores in Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Switzerland and some others in Europe. Couldn't seem to locate one in France. The rules and customs vary - the one in Brussels had mostly upscale firearms (no handguns) and the owner seemed very suspicious and stand-offish - as in "why would this American even be in here"? I think they mostly did such business by appointment. And, it was not simply a gun store - my wife looked at ladies clothing upstairs.

More open and easy in Denmark and Norway, and very easy and well-stocked in Germany. New Zealand shops were enjoyable, but did not give it a go in Australia. Don't ask me about Rio de Janiero and Sao Paulo.

Most of those visited in Europe have much more high-end stuff than stores here, but nothing anywhere compares favorably to our ways and means.

NRA Member - Life, Benefactor, Patron