There is much hunting after heart surgery. In Oct '98 I had open heart surgery to repair a malfunctioning valve. Walking was a big part of recovery so I walked and walked and walked.

I hunted harder in December and January than ever before, I did drives for my friends and carried a 243 while doing it.

In 2013 I had a near miss while deer hunting. I shot a doe and was dragging it downhill on snow and thought the big one was coming after a 20 yard drag. It turns out I had a blockage my Dr. referred to as a "widow maker". Two stints and some more walking and this year I'm hunting as hard as I did in '98 but now i'm carrying a 444 Marlin.

It's all about your mental state and weather or not you are ready to give up. Listen to your body, it will tell you when you are F'ing up and talk to the Dr. If he/she
is worth a damn, will tell you moderation is your friend and life goes on nearly normal.

Never try to teach a pig to sing... wastes your time and annoys the pig!