Because the trawl fishermen have proven over and over to be as dirty as they get they deserve to be put out of business, period! They annually kill and waste more halibut than the entire sport catch in AK. And the cuts have come to charter boats more than any other segment of the harvesters.

The guy in line for overseeing the mess about 5 years ago, Arnie Fuglvog was caught reporting his longlined black cod from a different area. Black cod are very spotty so fishing effort has to be spread out to keep from wiping out strong central areas. Fuglvog was on the board making the decisions and then ignoring them. Others have been caught doing the same thing.

Cod were virtually eliminated from the Grand Banks in a typical display of horrible management. Anything they do to rein in the crooks and manage the resource better is a good thing.

I have seen garbage cans full of small feeder king salmon caught by draggers and brought home (illegally) to use for their personal consumption while claiming they had caught none.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.