Gzig, you are correct. I believe the 9.3MM barrels will not last long if they just make 100 I'll probably take about 5 to start. One for myself and 4-5 for the shelf, so I can build them as customers ask.

I also like the 9.3X57, and would take it in preference to the 358 Winchester (also good) just because of the better .366 bullets available. Making a 9.3X57 is super easy on any KAR or GEW M98 Mauser and they are excellent rifles for hunting in brush and timber. Good for everything from Whitetails to moose.

Green Mountain's number is 603-447-1095
Call them and tell them that you read Steve Zihn's post asking if anyone would be interested and let them know you are.

As I said, we are just in the talking stage now, but if they don't know people will buy they won't make them. But making only 100 will not be very hard for them to sell I am sure.

Tell other gunsmiths too.