Fellow Campfire Denizens;
I'll start with a hearty Happy New Year to all of you who wander across this section of our cyber 'Fire.

The chap in the video has a channel that I follow on youtube and he's some sort of millwright or engineer from the oil patch or a northern mine. He has lots of interesting tech tips - but most of his videos are like this one and come with typical "oil patch vernacular"....

So IF one is offended by such then please understand this isn't safe for work, young ears or to play at the next deacons/elders meeting.

IF you've been around oil patch/mining/construction, etc and etc folks, then there's nothing you've not heard before.

I tried to link up the Globe and Mail article too but it didn't want to let me read it without disabling the addblockers I'm running, so that didn't happen.

Anyway with apologies to anyone who might be offended by the salty language, here's the translation version.

All the best to you all in 2017 - may cougars leave your dogs alone and it be your best year yet.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"