Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
On 1 side: Jesus said (paraphrased): "Whatever you do to help these people, you're doing for me." We're commanded to help those in need and there's no question that many of the refugees are in need.

On the other side: They aren't being brought here for humanitarian reasons. It's all politics. The people need help but money and jobs are being diverted from Americans in need and handed to immigrants. They hope that the immigrants will later vote Democrat. I just read that Obama is taking over $100 mill from HHS programs for Americans to help Mexican illegal immigrants. Our system is being crushed by immigrants, both 'legal' and illegal.

How do we balance Jesus' words with politics? Does Jesus expect us to feed everyone even though it destroys us?


I think you have to differentiate between Obama's "muslim refuges" and the Mexican illegal immigrants.
And yes, further differentiate between Mexican illegal and legal immigrants.

So lets just start with the with Mexican illegal immigrants.
This just seems simple to me.
God charges us as Christains to obey and respect the government laws in our country.
Just the fact that it's illegal cuts it with me and I won't support them.

However, that does not restrict us in any way on mission work or humanitarian financial aid to them in their country.
Me, I believe, only in this help if provide on an individual basis or through church organizations.
It is not and should not be a function of the US government:
1) to "replace" your help or the church's.
2) due to the politics and miss-use that you see arise from this power.
