I am back from my bison hunt.The campfire will not recognize my username on my laptop for some reason. I will post a short report on my phone. After arriving and glassing the Refuge thoroughly with my 15 power minox binoculars(thanks Doug). We only found a herd of bulls and a small group of yearlings on the flats. I decided to go after a yearling with my crossbow as they were on the archery only area and appeared to be the only available legal animals. After trailing the four yearlings for approximately a mile they were distracted by the group of bulls one of which had been wounded by another Hunter.We were able to close the gap to 30 yards and got a good shot in on the largest yearling. It was leaving a good blood trail and they went into a defensive mode circling the wounded one. We were able to close the gap again quickly and the second shot was a complete pass through. In the ribs and out through the shoulder on the far side.It was bleeding profusely at that point and went down quickly.This is my first-ever archery Harvest. Watching the bolt fly through the air and disappear through the buffalo was awesome and I plan on taking the crossfire bow out next year during our other big game seasons in Wyoming. We gutted and skinned the young bull right there rolled it into the jet sled and slid the jet sled up a snow bank into the truck. The Yearling carcass weighs approximately 200 pounds and I expect it to be some of the best meat I have ever harvested. I have many pictures and I will try to post them once the campfire and my laptop decide to communicate.