You should have gotten more than 6 pounds of bacon - that's about 1/4 of the yield of a good sized hog (240-260 dressed weight). I make all of my own bacon (cured and smoked) and do all of my own meat processing at home. Making bacon and ham is very simple with three ingredients - salt, sugar, and cure #1 (other spices can be added as desired - I use garlic, onion, and black pepper). I use the equilibrium method for all of my curing, which is a method that uses the weight of the meat and then a percentage of that weight to determine how much of each ingredient. Our family likes 2% salt, 1% sugar, .25% cure, .1% onion powder, .1% garlic powder, and .25% black pepper. Put in large ziploc bags, cure for 7 days per inch of thickness and it's impossible to get it too salty. Can be in the cure mix for months and still stay good (because it's a preservative process). I then smoke over hickory and apple at 150 degrees for 6-8 hours. It's delicious. This is the process I use for hams as well. Same recipe works for venison roasts also, but I bump the heat up in the smoker and take to internal temp of 140-150 degrees F. Feel free PM me if you have other questions or inquiries about how to do it. Once you do your own you will never have someone else do it again. All you need is the ingredients, a good digital scale that is precise to 1 gram and another digital scale precise to .01 gram - the scales can be had for under $30 total from Amazon. And I have an Excel spreadsheet with the calculations all ready to go - just put the weight of the meat in and the rest of the ingredient weights are computed for me. smile


"Daddy, can you sometime maybe please go shoot a water buffalo so we can have that for supper? Please? And can I come along? Does it taste like deer?"
- my 3-year old daughter smile