Originally Posted by mcmurphrjk
Souse is pickled head cheese.
Head and feet meet, cooked til it falls off bones, with onion garlic salt and pepper, chop meat, and, in the case of souse, red wine or cider vinegar, and reduce liquid.
Fill loaf pan with meat, cover with reduced cooking liquid, refrigerate till set.

thanks for everyone's input. it all helped. yes, i knew there was vinegar or something sour in it. this sounds about right. i've seen it made, and eaten it, but too young to get the details.

it was good, not at all like the rest of the hog.

so, it's German or Czech ancestry huh? interesting right there too.

seems like some years it came out thicker, that is firmer/harder than other years. may have had to do with the liquid content or maybe the gelatin content from the feet. it's a good product, just don't see it around much, and i was reminiscing a bit when reading the other threads here.

if anybody ever makes any, i'd love to see a pic of it posted up.