Originally Posted by 79S
Several yrs ago someone on here recommended this book to read "out of America a black man confronts Africa" it's a very good book to read and if majority of black American would read it they probably change there tune about good ol America., some reason they think life will be perfect in Africa.

I have often thought how fortunate American Blacks should consider themselves. I am not condoning slavery, but if it had not been for slavery, can you imagine the kind of life they would have had still living on the "dark continent". In this country, they can live from birth to death without ever having to hold a job, pay for a place to live, pay for food, pay for medical expenses. They are pushed to the front of line for jobs and college, no matter how qualified they are. They can commit a crime, then yell racism, and often times have that crime dismissed. In other words, they pretty much have it made over here, despite what they might think. Now, look at how life would be for them in Africa. The life expectancy over there is much, much less than here. In order to survive, they would have to be able to out run lions, not be trampled by elephants, learn how to climb a tree in order to retrieve a cocoanut, and survive without such luxuries as wide screen TV's and cell phones. In most of Africa, it's still pretty much a dog eat dog world, something that American Blacks have no idea about. Of course, there are certain things about Africa that would appeal to young Black men.....Somali pirates, as they would fit right in there. Also, Boco Haram would be an excellent place for them to display their skills. So, as a second thought, maybe some would fit in. But, most wouldn't, and they need to thank their lucky stars that they do live in America.