One guy in camp showed up this year with Howard Leights (sp?) Not that his 20 ga quail gun was loud, he just sort of wore them all day. (Maybe all night some guys have raised snoring to high entertainment levels.) Our deer season overlaps bird hunting in Kansas so we change things up depending on weather, the dog, the old man who owns the dog...stuff like that. I shoot a BOSS equipped rifle so naturally I am wearing some protection while deer hunting. Tried the muffs...Ed brought along three pairs. What I noticed is when walking, the amplification made you very aware of how noisy your footsteps are. Annoying at first but anything that slows you down and makes foot noise minimal is not hurting a thing. We all have a few pairs of muffs for range time but unless they are flatter NC muffs they seem to interfere with cheek weld or whatever shotgun shooter call it. The new thin designs deserve a place in the game fields.

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