Originally Posted by RJM
Had to go to a meeting Tuesday night and missed a local auction... My dealer went but not with enough money.

One of the guns he had to pass was a late 50s vintage Blackhawk .44 Magnum that went for $350 plus the buyers premium...

Another was an Encore with a scoped .444 Marlin barrel and a 28 ga. VR barrel...$495...the 28 ga. barrel alone sells for $500+ on the auction sites...

Such is life...Bob

i bought a few months ago a 3screw no transfer bar safety blackhawk in guess what, 41magnum for about 350bucks.
It was carried all over northern arizona for years and originally bought from a lgs near N.A.U. in flagstaff where i went to school at the time. Had to have it. I was bad today, check your email.