Thanks for another interesting article John. One caution in doing such experiments in software is that the flight characteristics of a given style of bullet can change as weight changes. Here's a link to a YouTube video that analyzes the Laupa 7mm 180 and 150 grain Scenar-L bullets using Laupa's custom drag functions. The 180 grain matches up well with G7 while the 150 grain matches up better with G1. Not something I expected and without knowing that a comparison using either G7 or G1 for both bullets may not be accurate.

I see Hornady is using Doppler radar to produce custom drag functions for their 4DOF calculator, but I didn't see anything for the .204 Ruger at this point, so it would be hard to say if the 45 and .223 75 grain V-Max bullets both match up well with either G7 or G1.