Originally Posted by moosemike

Now did I say there are no bucks on public land in PA? No, I didn't. And what's one buck on a game pole for a crew of guys ? The other thing you don't understand is PA is a big state and I'm in the most heavily populated side of it. You're not. You don't hunt SEPA public lands. You don't see the orange army.

I'll be the first to admit that what happened to me this past fall at gophergunner's camp was likely a fluke, BUT I saw another legal buck while I was dragging mine down the mountain. My hunting partner saw one while he was on his way up to meet me (could have been the same one), and mjbgalt saw one up on top of the mountain that evening. Unfortunately they didn't get shot opportunities, but I'd say that's pretty darn good odds.

Finally, Angel and I drove down from Michigan because we were feeling as though opportunities were lacking up here. Mjbgalt drove from Ohio for the same reason. We were all three really happy with our odds and planning to go back.

The tactic I use just about everywhere I hunt is I look over topo and aerial maps and if my response to a potential spot is, "Boy that sure looks like a nice place to hunt!" I figure the same goes for everyone else. If my response is, "Oh my you'd have to be nuts to hunt THAT hell hole!" I figure that also is what everyone else thinks and I go hunt it.

Even if it requires driving and/or walking a ways to get there.

Angel, a couple other buddies from church, and me will be over near Sabula again this fall! I hope to see you with a big wide grin on your face!