this one is pretty good on a cold night
Cauliflower Soup

One pound cauliflower, diced
One medium onion, fine diced
One rib celery, fine diced
One large chef potato, diced
One tbls butter, one tbls good olive oil
3 cups vegetable stock, or defatted chicken stock
salt, pepper , white pepper, cayenne to taste
one cup heavy cream
one tbls sherry
4 oz shredded sharp Vermont white cheese


Sauté onion and celery in the butter and olive oil until translucent
Add stock, cauliflower, potato and seasonings
Cover, bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer 15 min, or so until the vegetables are tender
Remove, and cool, Remove most of the cauliflower. Puree soup until smooth
Place back in saucepan, add cauliflower, heat, and add the heavy cream.
Heat, but do not boil
Add sherry, and three oz of the shredded cheese
Stir to blend. Top with the rest of the cheese, and serve
