Coal has a tough row to hoe. Given the cost of scrubbing requirements and other coal based overhead, natural gas has become increasingly more cost efficient and will most likely continue do so if production increases as it appears will happen. And Peabody is still trying to come out of bankruptcy. Back in the summer of 2008 before yall's socialist wannabe dicktater got elected stock hit over $1300. It broke way down but came back to over $1100 about 3 years later before being beaten down for good by the sworn enemy of capitalism. At one point the stock sold for, so sad, as low as 55 CENTS a share. It closed today at $2.75 and that's in a game of musical chairs. Common stock will be worthless at exit. Some folks still believe there will be some bones tossed to common shareholders and are gambling on the outcome. Anybody caught holding when the music stops is sucker bait. Perhaps there is a way negotiable to bring the coal industry back; never count Trump out. But looks to me to be a dubious possibility unless alternative energy sources (natural gas now, enhanced nuclear possibilities?) somehow loose the cost/kw advantage. YMMV


“When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty”

Colossians 3:17 (New King James Version)
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."