Originally Posted by Cowboyvon
You wrote for Gunsmoke? Thats great did you have anything to do with the episode "The Hat" ... It has to be my all time favorite ..


CowboyVon, I wrote several Gunsmoke scripts but I didn't write The Hat. That was written by a friend of mine, the late Ron Bishop, who wrote a whole bunch of Gunsmoke scripts, plus others for other shows. Ron was a very good writer.

He owned a small "ranch" north of Cody, Wyoming, and invited me up to hunt elk there a couple of times. To my great regret, I was too busy to make it when he was there for elk season.

Had some good times over some drinks in Los Angeles, though. wink

As an aside, Ron served in Burma during WW II. He told some interesting stories about that, too.


"Always go straight forward, and if you meet the devil, cut him in two and go between the pieces." (William Sturgis, clipper ship captain, 1830s.)