Special interest groups, corporate lobbyists. These insurance companies have been rolling fat in the cash since ACA came in.

That's what happens when you create a captive customer base. The companies still compete but since you have no choice in buying, and have to buy from someone, the base line goes way up.

Now, they said all this about 20 million Americans that could not afford insurance. That reflects the gap between being qualified for medicare and being able to afford insurance. I think it would have been better to raise my medicare deduction by 2-3% and close that gap than to mandate this commerce. I would not like that but it would have been better.

Of course them these politicians would not receive the back channel cash from the companies lobby's. More importantly they would not have had an opportunity to exercise their insider trading and buy heavy into these stocks. These congressmen are above insider trading laws, that is how they become multi millionaires.

You can bet that R+D alike they all invested heavily in these stocks. To ask them to change the ACA now is to ask them to cut their own throat. ACA passed with no Republican support, and that was intentional.

They didn't need that support so no Republican needed cross the aisle. This stage show makes it look like they are fighting the good fight, but that is exactly what it is, a stage show.

Had it been necessary for one or two Republicans to cross that aisle then that is what would have happened.

This vote didn't happen, we do not know who would have played the part of "Evil Roy" and we are left in suspense. All part of the play.

The older I become the more I am convinced that the voice of honor in a man's heart is the voice of GOD.